If there were a contest to choose the fittest icon of the century, Gandhi ji would definitely be a prime contender. While he inspired the world with his religion of truth and non violence, he was also a role model for health, fitness and disciplined living.

On Mahatma Gandhi’s 146th birthday, take some health, fitness and lifestyle inspirations from his life.

Here’s wishing you all a healthy and fit times ahead!

Marathoner who Moved the Nation

Glory lies in the attempt“Walking is justly called the prince of exercises,” said Gandhi ji. He enjoyed long walks in his school years. As a law student in London, he saved money by walking as many as eight to 10 miles a day. That kept Gandhi ji practically free from illness throughout his stay in England and gave him a fairly strong body. His long walk changed the course of the Nation, as we saw in the Salt March of April 1930. Mahatma Gandhi was 61 years of age at the time of Dandi March. He, along with thousands of countrymen, walked 390 km from Sabarmati to Dandi, a village on Arabian coast. The ‘Padyatra’ thus became a model of strategic action for many social movements in the decades to come.

Live life as if you were to die tomorrow

Take Care of this momentGandhi ji knew the times were a changing! Which is why perhaps, he said nearly a hundred years ago, what spiritual gurus are saying now. He said, “there is more to life than increasing its speed.” He espoused savoring each moment of life completely and mindfully.

Disciplined Living & Simple Eating

Health is the real wealthGandhi ji was extremely punctual. Just before he was assassinated, he was upset because he was 10 minutes late getting to his regular prayer meeting. Such was his commitment to time! His belief in sleeping and rising early, his disciplined approach to life, his dietary habits, all contributed to making him fit and healthy. Gandhi ji followed a strict vegetarian diet and frequently cooked his own simple food. He ate mindfully from a small bowl and as with all other aspects of his life, used a minimalist approach while eating too. He propagated control of palate and considered food as energy, even a medicine to keep our body healthy and fit for work.

Indomitable Will

Strength does not come from physical capacity. It comes from an indomitable will“Without action, you aren’t going anywhere,” said Gandhi ji. He also said, “Strength does not come from physical capacity. It comes from an indomitable will.” Gandhi ji went for weeks on end without food on his protest or purification fasts. He had as many as 17 such fasts in his life. He endured tremendous pain for the sake of his convictions. It was his willpower that kept him going through these times.


Stay healthy folks, get started on your fitness goals and meet them with steely resolve!

This seems to be the perfect quote of Gandhi ji to end the post with, “It is health that is real wealth, not pieces of gold and silver.”

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