Traveler Speak

/Traveler Speak

6 Reasons Why Cameron Highlands Should Feature on your Trip to Malaysia

The Cameron Highlands is one of Malaysia’s most beautiful hill stations. Size of Singapore, this hill station is about 200 kilometres from Kuala Lumpur. It is named after Sir William Cameron, a British surveyor who was commissioned by the colonial government to map out the region in 1885. While the British [...]

By | January 8th, 2016|GoMissing, Malaysia, Traveler Speak|0 Comments

This Halloween, a Spooky Tale That’s Great for Bonfires and a Bit of ‘Kissa-Goi’ That’s Great for Bonding

It was December of 2013 and we were camping on a craggy stone cliff facing the Arabian Sea, somewhere close to Kashid beach in Maharashtra. We were three families with five children, all of who wanted it to be the night full of scary stories [...]

Nandita’s GoMissing Experience

About Nandita Nandita works with an IT company and is what many would call a true adventure junkie with hobbies ranging from motorbiking to trekking, cycling and skiing. An avid photographer, she balances her life amazingly between work, activities and her kids, whom she is [...]

By | January 27th, 2015|Traveler Speak, Trekking|1 Comment